Wednesday, January 18, 2012

About Me...(Because you asked right?)

I must admit, I never thought sitting and staring at my computer screen could be so intimidating! Should I be funny? Should I be serious? Can I remember how to spell? (THANK GOODNESS for spell check!) I think I will just try my darn hardest to be me...that should work, right?

(note: I enjoy punctuation...a lot...)

So...back to me (a phrase my mother and sister hear oh, so often). In reality... although I like to think that every day is about me, it is most definitely not. BUT, I will say...that this year just so happens to be more about me than other years...and this is the actual truth, I am not just saying that!Why you might ask? BECAUSE I AM GETTING MARRIED!! I am one lucky gal because I not only get to marry my best friend...but I also get to spend the next 10 months oozing (bad word?) creativity while planning my wedding.

I am only about a month in, but who am I kidding...I have been dreaming of this day since my brain has had the ability to function. My hope is to document the process and share some of the DIY ideas that I have come up with to other brides to be...along with many other (revert to my first post) "great things" I find along the way.

The rest...

I guess I can't let my future wedding define me (as much as it may try) so here is the rest...I in the past year "A" (My fiance - still sounds weird to say!) and I moved back to Michigan from the magical land known to most as...Chicago. I say "back" because we are both originally from the wonderful state of Michigan and did what 98% of college graduates from MI do...move to Chicago. We had experienced life in the big city which was a lovely mixture of good and ugh..."cozy vintage" apartments (a little too cozy at times...and also a little too "vintage" as well), public transportation on every corner, a plethora of restaurants (still miss those!), friends within a block or two, and there was always something to do! Now since we have moved back to the mitten (do I need to point to where I'm from?)...we have encountered many changes...two of the biggest include: 1) my new job and 2) our NEW HOUSE. (which you will hear more about later). 

So yes, folks...this past year has been a year of firsts...great firsts at that...and I have high hopes for an amazing 2012!


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